Автор | Frank Sinatra |
Жанр | Джаз |
Тип губной гармошки | Хроматическая |
Тональность | F |
IT WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR By Ervin Drake The intro-outro works well between verses. It can also be played an octave higher 6 -5 6 -3 6 -5 6 -6 6 -5 6 -5 6 5 5 5* When I was sev-en-teen -3 -4 5* -5 -7 -7 It was a ver-y good year -6 7 -7 7 7 -5* -5* It was a ver-y good year -5* -6 -5* -5-5 -7 -7 for small town girls -8 8 -7 -7 And soft sum-mer nights 8 -7 7 7 7 We'd hide from the lights -7* -7 -6* -6* -6* On the vil-lage green -7 -7 7 6 6 When I was sev-en-teen 6 -6* 7 -6* -5 -5 When I was twen-ty-one -3 -4 5* -5 -7 -7 It was a ver-y good year -6 7 -7 7 7 -5* -5* It was a ver-y good year -5* -6 -5* -5-5 -7 -7 for cit-y girls -8 8 -7 -7 Who lived up the stair 8 -7 7 7 7 With per-fumed hair -7* -7 -6* 6* -6* And it came un-done -7 -7 7 6 6 When I was twen-ty-one 6 -6* 7 -6* -5 -5 When I was thir-ty-five -3 -4 5* -5 -7 -7 It was a ver-y good year -6 7 -7 7 7 -5* -5* It was a ver-y good year -5* -6 -5* -5-5 -7 -7 for blue-blood-ed girls -8 8 -7 -7 -7 Of in-de-pen-dent means 8 -7 -7 7 7 7 We'd ride in lim-ou-sines -7* -7 -7 -6* -6* -6* Their chauf-feurs would drive -7 -7 7 6 6 When I was thir-ty-five 6 -6* 7 -6* -5 -5 But now the days grow short -3 -4 5* -5 -7 -7 I'm in the aut-umn of the year -6 7 -7 7 7 -5* -5* -5* And now I think of my life -5* -6 -5* -5 -5 -7 -7 as vin-tage wine -8 8 -7 -7 From fine old kegs 8 -7 77 7 From the brim to the dregs -7* -7* -7 -6* -6* -6* It poured sweet and clear -7 7 6 6 6 It was a ver-y good year 6 -6* 7 -6*-6* -5 -5 6 -5 6 -3 6 -5 6 -6 6 -5 6 -5 6 5 5 5* Frank Sinatra; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDp8anVM0eU I really love this melody! | |
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