Автор | Billy Idol |
Жанр | Поп |
Тип губной гармошки | Хроматическая |
Тональность | E |
EYES WITHOUT A FACE By Billy Idol & Steve Stevens Key: E -4 5* -5* 6 7* I'm all out of hope -8 -7 7*6 -6*7* -6* -6* 6 -6*7* One more bad break could bring a fall -4 5*-5* 6 7* When I'm far from home -4 -8 -7 7* 6 -6* Don't call me on the phone -6* -6* -6* -6* 6 -6*7*-6* To tell me you're a- lone -4 -4 5*-5* 6 7* It's eas-y to de-ceive -4 -8-7 7* 6 -6*7* It's eas-y to tease -4 -8 -7 7* 6 7*-6* But hard to get re-lease 9* -9* 10 -10* 11* Les yeux sans vis- age -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face 9* -9* 10 -10* 11* Les yeux sans vis- age -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face 9* -9* 10 -10* 11* Les yeux sans vis- age -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face -8 -7 7* 6 -6*7* Got no hu-man grace 5* -8 -7 7* 6 -6* Your eyes with-out a face I spend so much time Believing all the lies To keep the dream alive Now it makes me sad It makes me mad at truth For loving what was you Les yeux sans visage Eyes without a face Les yeux sans visage Eyes without a face Les yeux sans visage Eyes without a face Got no human grace Your eyes without a face (guitar solo) 10 7* 7* 6 7* 7* 7* 7* 6 7* When you hear the mus-ic you make a dip 7* 6 7* 6 7* 7* 7 7 In-to some-one els-e's pock-et 7 7 7 6 then make a slip 7* -6* 7* 7*-6* 7* 7* -8 Steal a car, go to Las Ve-gas -12*-6*-6* 7 6 -5 ooh gig-o-lo pool 7* 6 7* 7* 6 7* 7* Hang-ing out by the State Line 7* 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 -5 Turn-ing ho-ly wa-ter in-to wi-ne 7* 7* 7* 7-6* -87-6*6 10 Drink-ing it down, whoo oh 7* 7* 6 7* 7* 6 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* I'm on a bus on a psy-che-del-ic trip 7* 6 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* 6-5 Read-ing mur-der books tryn' to stay hip 6 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* 7* I'm think-in' of you you're out there so -8 6 -6* 7* Say your pray-ers -8-7 7*6 -6* 7* Say your pray-ers -8-7 7*6 -6* 7* Say your prayers Now I close my eyes And I wonder why I don't despise Now all I can do Is love what was once So alive and new -6* -6* -6* -6* 6 -6*7* But it's gone from your eyes -6*-6* 6 -6* -6* -6*7*-6* I bet-ter re-al- ize 9* -9* 10 -10* 11* Les yeux sans vis- age -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face 9* -9* 10 -10* 11* Les yeux sans vis- age -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face 9* -9* 10 -10* 11* Les yeux sans vis- age -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face -8 -7 7* -6* 7*-6* Eyes with-out a face -8 -7 7* 6 -6*7* Got no hu-man grace 5* -8 -7 7 6 -6* Your eyes with-out a face -8 -7 7* 6-6* -6*7* Such a hu-man waste -4 -8 -7 7* 6 -6*7* Your eyes with-out a face -4 -8 -7 7* 6-6* -6*7* you know it's get-ting close. | |
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