Автор | QUEEN!! |
Жанр | Рок |
Сложность исполнения | Любая |
Тип губной гармошки | Диатоническая |
Тональность | F |
DONT STOP ME NOW QUEEN KEY OF F 5 -4 4 4 5 -5 7 -6 To-night I'm gon-na have my-self -5 5 -4 4 a real good time 5 -4 5 -4 -6b -6 7 I feel a-live and the world -8 8 -8 -7 7 -6b turn-ing in-side out yeah! 7 -8 -8 8 -8 -7 7 -7 -8 And float-ing a-round in ec-sta-sy -6b 8 -8 -7 -5b 8 -8 -7 So don't stop me now don't stop me -7 -7 -5b -5b -5b -5 -6b Cause I'm hav-ing a good time -6 -6 -6 7 -7 hav-ing a good time Verse 1 5 5 -4 4 4 4 5 -5 7 -6 I'm a shoot-ing star leap-ing through the sky -5 5 -4 4 4 5 -4 4 -4 -4 5 -5b -5 Like a ti-ger def-y-ing the laws of gra-vi-ty 5 5 -4 4 4 -5 7 -6 I'm a rac-ing car pass-ing by -6 -8 -8 -7 7 like lady god-i-va 5 -4 4 -4 5 -5b I'm gon-na go go go -5 -5 -6b -6 7 There's no stop-ping me (CHORUS) 7 -8 8 -8 -7 7 -6b I'm burn-ing through the sky yeah! -8 -8 -8 8 -8 Two hund-red deg-rees -7 -7 -7 7 7 That's why they call me 7 7 -7 -8 -8 mis-ter Fah-ren-heit -7 7 7 7 7 -7 -8 8 I'm trav-ling at the speed of light 8 8 -8 -7 7 7 7 7 7 I wan-na make a su-per-son-ic 7 7 7 -7 man out of you 5 -5b -5 7 5 Don't stop me now I'm 5 5 -4 4 -4 5 hav-ing such a good time -4 5 5 -5 5 5 -5b -5 7 I'm hav-ing a ball don't stop me now 5 5 5 5 -4 4 -4 5 If you wan-na have a good time -8 -8 -8 8 -8 just give me a call 5 -5b -5 7 Don't stop me now -7 -7 -5b -5b -5b -5 -6b (cause I'm hav-in a good time) 5 -5b -5 7 Don't stop me now -7 -7 -5b -5b -5b -5 -6b (yes I'm hav- in a good time) -6b -6 -6 -6 7 -7 7 I don't want to stop at all Verse 2 SAME AS 1 I'm a rocket ship on my way to mars On a collision course I am a satellite I'm out of control I am a sex machine ready to reload Like an atom bomb about to Oh oh oh oh oh explode (CHORUS) -5 -5b -5 -5 -5b -5 Don't stop me don't stop me -5 -5b -5 Don't stop me hey hey hey! -5 -5b -5 Don't stop me don't stop me -5 5 -4 ooh ooh ooh (I lliiiikkkke it) -5 -5b -5 -5 -5b -5 Don't stop me don't stop me -5 -5 -6 -5 -6 -5 Have a good time good time -5 -5b -5 -5 -5b -5 Don't stop me don't stop me ah (CHORUS TWICE TO END) ENJOY!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! | |
Просмотров | 3230 |
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