Автор | Yoko Kanno |
Жанр | Блюз |
Сложность исполнения | Средняя |
Тип губной гармошки | Диатоническая |
Тональность | Eb |
DIGGIN' MY POTATO Harp Tab by D-Dog -Email comments and suggestions to danazos@yahoo.com Another excellent harp tune from Cowboy Bebop OST1. While not quite as sophisticated as Spokey Dokey, it goes down real smooth and is a great song for picking up the harp and practicing bends and shakes. It's not the song that inspired me to play the harp, but it is the one that taught me how to bend. If you have a friend who plays the jembe, ask them to try and play the beat while you lay down some blues. I highly recommend hearing the song first, as there are some subtleties that are difficult to include in the tab. Enjoy. ! All bends in this song are draw bends X ======== draw X> ======= blow v ======== vibrato w ======== wah XH ======= hold (X/X) ==== slurred notes (first note is primary) ^ ======== bend ^^ ======= 2nd bend ^^^ ====== full bend on 3 hole ~X ======= single note smooth bend transition X~X^~X === smooth bend transition back and forth (more dashes means a longer transition) X+X+X ==== one note sliding into the next (X_X_X) == extremely fast 'run' of sliding notes X=X ====== shake X<<< ===== slide down FROM note >>>X ===== slide up TO note d/<<<>>> = slide up then down in draw b/<<<>>> = slide up then down in blow . ======== silence *****INTRO***** 2 2 4^~4 4^~4 4=5 4^~(4/5)~~~(4^_3_2) 2 2 4^~4 6> 5 (4/5)~4^~4 4> 3 2 ~2(w)~2^^_1 1^~~~~~1 2 (shift between 2 and 2^^)H 2^^ 1 ~3 4> 3^ ~4 4> ~3 4 ~3 4 ~3 ~2 ~2 5 ~4~4^ ~3 2 2 2^^ 2^^~~2 ~2 4> 3 4> ~3 2 ~2 *****RIFF***** 1^~1 2 .. >>>4>(w) ~3 .. 5 ~4~4^ ~3+2 >>>4> ~3(w) 4^~4~4^ ~3+2 >>>(4/3)+(4/3) 3> ~3(w) 4^~4~4^ ~3+2 >>>(4/5) ~3 ~4=5 4^~4 6> 5 4 4> ~4~4^+3+3> 4> ~3(w) 4> ~3(w) 4> ~3(w) 4> 4> ~3 2 ~2~~~~2^^~2~2^^_1 1^~~~~~~1 1^~1+2~2^^~1~2^ 2^+3+2^+3 4> >>>4> ~3 2 ~2 >>>4> ~3 4^~4~4^ ~3+2 .. 5 ~4~4^ ~3+2 >>>4> ~3 3> >>>4 5 4^~4 6> 6> .. 5 ~4~4^ ~3+2 >>>4> ~3 ~4 ~4 ~4 ~4 ~4~4^(w) 4> ~3 4> 3 4^+4+5+4 .. 6+5+4+4> ~4~4^ ~3+2 2 ~2(w)~2^^+1 1^~1 2 2 ~2 2^^+1 2^ 2 3 3 4> 3 4^ (4^~4~5) (4^~4~5) (4^~4~5) ~4~4^_3 2+2 >>>4> ~3 4^~4~4^ ~3+2 5 4^~4~4^ ~3+2 (trails off) | |
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